Welcome to the two largest honor societies at UCLA, combined into one.
Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma (ALD & PES) are national academic honor societies that promote and recognize high scholastic achievement of first-year students. Their purposes are to encourage and reward academic excellence, promote intelligent living in a high standard of learning, and assist students in recognizing and developing meaningful goals in society.
Although each society has separate national headquarters, the chapters at UCLA are integrated to maximize opportunities for students to apply for scholarships, internships, attend national conferences, and receive recognition from the university and national offices.
As members of ALD & PES, students will have the opportunity to network with many other highly motivated students through resume workshops, career talk events, community service, and social events. Although there are no requirements to maintain membership status, members are encouraged to take advantage of the numerous benefits that ALD & PES have to offer. Additionally, ALD|PES is partnered with Princeton Review to provide students with study materials at a discounted price.
Scholarship opportunities are available at both the national and local levels. In recent years, members of the UCLA chapters have been awarded over $70,000 in scholarships.
Leadership opportunities are available to students interested in greater involvement immediately upon induction. The executive governing board of the organizations works closely with the Dean of Students to foster award-winning chapters.
Some of our past events over the years include:

If you are interested in planning events like these, and working closely with ALD|PES officers, join a committee!